Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH is a company incorporated under German law.
Board of Management:
Andreas Hülsmann
Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH is registered in the Commercial Register of the Amtsgericht Braunschweig (Braunschweig District Court) under No. HRB 204780
The sales tax (VAT) registration number of Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH is DE295504619.
Postal Address
Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH
Grete-Schickedanz-Straße 7
DE-44803 Bochum
Phone +49 (5361) 9 43000
FAX +49 (5361) 9 43331
Volkswagen is neither committed nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution before a consumer arbitration board.